Welcome to the Early Supported Discharge Program (ESD) for individuals who experienced a stroke.
The CIUSS Centre-Ouest de L’Ile de Montreal (Constance Lethbridge – Layton- Mackay) offers intensive stroke rehabilitation at home to patients recovering from a mild to moderate stroke or other neurological conditions. Eligible clients are referred by the acute care hospitals. They are identified to be safe within their home environment and able to tolerate an intensive rehabilitation program.
ESD Program Duration
The length of your ESD program is based upon the rehabilitation goals established by you and your ESD team, for a period of 2 to 4 weeks, depending on your progress. The intensity of therapy is usually 4-5 days/week.
What happens after ESD?
Prior to completing the ESD program, the continuation of your rehabilitation plan will be discussed with you by your team, and any necessary referrals will be done. This may include referral for outpatient rehabilitation or community reintegration programs.